Articles & Research

Eye-Tracking Unveils Autism’s Distinctive Worldview and Social Focus Shift

Eye-Tracking Unveils Autism’s Distinctive Worldview and Social Focus Shift

Researchers have discovered that children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) develop distinct attentional preferences compared to typically developing children, focusing more on non-social stimuli l... ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Vision Autism &Natural Development

January 12, 20246 min read

How Imagination Fuels Empathy and Prosocial Behavior

How Imagination Fuels Empathy and Prosocial Behavior

A new study highlights the significant role of imagination in evoking empathy and driving prosocial behavior. ...more

Exploring the Mind

December 01, 20234 min read

Cognitive reserve is a mechanism underlying the link between openness to experience and cognitive functioning in adults

Cognitive reserve is a mechanism underlying the link between openness to experience and cognitive functioning in adults

The average duration of human life has increased drastically in the past century. ...more

Exploring the Mind

September 10, 20234 min read

Brain’s ‘Traffic Directors’: Neurons That Keep Us Focused on Tasks

Brain’s ‘Traffic Directors’: Neurons That Keep Us Focused on Tasks

Researchers have illuminated how our brain maintains focus amidst distractions. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,ADHD Natural Development &Fight or Flight, Rest and Digest

August 11, 20235 min read

Stealing a Brain Hack: Exploration vs Urgency Shapes Memory and Learning

Stealing a Brain Hack: Exploration vs Urgency Shapes Memory and Learning

Researchers showed that when participants imagined themselves as art thieves scouting a virtual museum for a future heist, they had a better memory of the paintings they observed than those imagining ... ...more

Exploring the Mind

July 26, 20236 min read

Neuronal Boost: Lactate’s Key Role in Brain Development Uncovered

Neuronal Boost: Lactate’s Key Role in Brain Development Uncovered

The study uncovers how lactate, an exercise and metabolism byproduct, may play a vital part in brain development and neuronal differentiation. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development

July 25, 20234 min read

Nature or nurture? It’s all about the message

Nature or nurture? It’s all about the message

Were Albert Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci born brilliant or did they acquire their intelligence through effort? ...more

Natural Development

July 09, 20233 min read

Brain Waves Synchronize when People Interact

Brain Waves Synchronize when People Interact

The minds of social species are strikingly resonant. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development

July 01, 202321 min read

Guidance during play enhances children’s learning and development.

Guidance during play enhances children’s learning and development.

Can guidance during play enhance children’s learning and development in educational contexts? A systematic review and meta-analysis. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development

July 01, 202348 min read

Key Brain Activity Absent in Borderline Personality Disorder

Key Brain Activity Absent in Borderline Personality Disorder

Researchers have identified a brain region, the rostro-medial prefrontal cortex, which reacts differently to social rejection in individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Fight or Flight, Rest and Digest

June 28, 20234 min read

Mindfulness and relaxation techniques boost frontal theta power in the brains of athletes

Mindfulness and relaxation techniques boost frontal theta power in the brains of athletes

The findings provide insights into how mindfulness and relaxation interventions can benefit athletes’ mental well-being. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development Fight or Flight, Rest and Digest &Athletics

June 20, 20235 min read

Rethinking Smart: Cognitive Enhancers May Diminish Performance in Those Without ADHD

Rethinking Smart: Cognitive Enhancers May Diminish Performance in Those Without ADHD

Cognitive enhancers, often dubbed as “smart” drugs, might actually impair performance and productivity in neurotypical individuals. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,ADHD &Natural Development

June 14, 20235 min read

How does your brain select words to communicate effectively?

How does your brain select words to communicate effectively?

The Amazing Story of How Your Brain Selects words to Communicate Effectively ...more

Exploring the Mind

June 09, 20232 min read

A Role of the Parasympathetic Nervous System in Cognitive Training

A Role of the Parasympathetic Nervous System in Cognitive Training

Vision-based speed of processing (VSOP) training can result in broad cognitive improvements. ...more

Vision ,Natural Development &Fight or Flight, Rest and Digest

May 31, 20231 min read

How to Encourage Imaginary Play (and Why it’s so Important)

How to Encourage Imaginary Play (and Why it’s so Important)

Imaginary play (also known as pretend play) helps kids’ cognition, emotions, and promotes problem-solving and creativity. Five ideas to help encourage your child’s imaginary play. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development

May 30, 20238 min read

Dopamine Function and Schizophrenia

Dopamine Function and Schizophrenia

Neuroscientists discovered how vitamin D deficiency impacts the development of neurons, contributing to disorders such as schizophrenia. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development

May 27, 20234 min read

Cytoelectric Coupling: Electrical Fields Fine-Tune Brain Functioning

Cytoelectric Coupling: Electrical Fields Fine-Tune Brain Functioning

Akin to households arranging their TV setup for optimal viewing experience, this theory could significantly enhance our understanding of the brain’s inner workings. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development

May 22, 20235 min read

Can Mindfulness Change Your Brain Structure

Can Mindfulness Change Your Brain Structure

Studies have shown that regular mindfulness practice can increase the amount of grey matter in certain regions of the brain, including the hippocampus, which is involved in memory and learning. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development

May 19, 20231 min read

Exercise and the Brain: The Neuroscience of Fitness Explored

Exercise and the Brain: The Neuroscience of Fitness Explored

The neuroscience of fitness explores how regular exercise profoundly impacts our brain and nervous system. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development &Fight or Flight, Rest and Digest

May 14, 20233 min read

Scientists Discover a New Connection Between the Eyes and Touch

Scientists Discover a New Connection Between the Eyes and Touch

Micro-saccades, or tiny eye movements, can be used as an index of our ability to anticipate relevant information in the environment, independent of the information’s sensory modality. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Vision &Natural Development

April 30, 20232 min read

How Do Long-Lasting Memories Form in the Brain?

How Do Long-Lasting Memories Form in the Brain?

How do we retain vivid memories of long-ago events? ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Autism

April 26, 20233 min read

Scientists Claim That Quantum Theory Proves Consciousness Moves To Another Universe At Death

Scientists Claim That Quantum Theory Proves Consciousness Moves To Another Universe At Death

Space and time are not objects or things, but rather tools of our animal understanding. ...more

Exploring the Mind

April 23, 20234 min read

Brain Study Asks: Where Does All the Glucose Go?

Brain Study Asks: Where Does All the Glucose Go?

This is the most direct and clearest evidence yet that neurons are metabolizing glucose through glycolysis and that they need this fuel to maintain normal energy levels. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development &Fight or Flight, Rest and Digest

April 22, 20234 min read

Fasting May Tell the Brain To Break Down Unhealthy Molecules

Fasting May Tell the Brain To Break Down Unhealthy Molecules

Our study shows that autophagy is not only controlled in the body cells themselves, but also by the brain. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development &Fight or Flight, Rest and Digest

April 20, 20232 min read

What is Visual Memory?

What is Visual Memory?

Visual memory is a critical factor in reading and writing. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,ADHD Vision &Natural Development

April 19, 20239 min read

What is life? Why cells and atoms haven’t answered the question.

What is life? Why cells and atoms haven’t answered the question.

Scientists working across domains now think that understanding life requires putting a new actor on to the stage and letting it take the lead: the flow of information. ...more

Natural Development

April 17, 20235 min read

We make thousands of unconscious decisions every day. Here’s how your brain copes with that.

We make thousands of unconscious decisions every day. Here’s how your brain copes with that.

But how – and why – do you go from concentrating on a task to making it automatic? ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development &Fight or Flight, Rest and Digest

April 17, 20234 min read

Why Every Kindergarten and First-Grade School Day Should Begin with Inquiry and Imaginative Play

Why Every Kindergarten and First-Grade School Day Should Begin with Inquiry and Imaginative Play

We must have a mindset shift in this country. A shift from seeing schools as buildings that children attend to understand reading, writing, math, and social sciences to schools as part of our communit... ...more

Exploring the Mind ,ADHD Natural Development &Fight or Flight, Rest and Digest

April 17, 202311 min read

In Sync Brainwaves Predict Learning

In Sync Brainwaves Predict Learning

This is the first study to show that the extent to which students’ and teachers’ brainwaves are in sync during real-world learning can predict how well students retain information from class. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development

April 14, 20233 min read

What are the best lucid dreaming techniques?

What are the best lucid dreaming techniques?

Lucid dreaming holds a widespread appeal, but many people simply can't do it. So what do studies show are the best techniques? ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development

April 13, 20239 min read

Dopamine Levels Could Determine Whether Working Out Feels Easy or Hard

Dopamine Levels Could Determine Whether Working Out Feels Easy or Hard

Researchers have long been trying to understand why some people find physical effort easier than others. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development &Fight or Flight, Rest and Digest

April 13, 20234 min read

Scientists Say Child's Play Helps Build A Better Brain

Scientists Say Child's Play Helps Build A Better Brain

When it comes to brain development, time in the classroom may be less important than time on the playground. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development

April 13, 20233 min read

Brain–Gut Interactions Could Explain Sleep's Mysteries

Brain–Gut Interactions Could Explain Sleep's Mysteries

Harvard study implies that dietary choices impact sleep quality. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development &Fight or Flight, Rest and Digest

April 12, 202310 min read

Cerebral Visual Impairment - What if the Brain Cannot See?

Cerebral Visual Impairment - What if the Brain Cannot See?

Cortical visual impairment (CVI) is a form of visual impairment that is caused by a brain problem rather than an eye problem. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Vision

April 10, 20234 min read

Want To Make Life Easier For Your Toddler? Get Their Screen Time In Check

Want To Make Life Easier For Your Toddler? Get Their Screen Time In Check

A study looking at what impacts executive function in toddlers offers crystal clear guidance for parents. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,ADHD &Natural Development

April 10, 20234 min read

How Our Brain Uses Old Information To Make Decisions

How Our Brain Uses Old Information To Make Decisions

How does the brain deal with new situations? How does it make decisions? ...more

Exploring the Mind

April 03, 20233 min read

ADHD linked to oxygen deprivation before birth

ADHD linked to oxygen deprivation before birth

Children who had in-utero exposure to ischemic-hypoxic conditions, situations during which the brain is deprived of oxygen, were significantly more likely to develop attention deficit hyperactivity di... ...more

ADHD ,Natural Development

April 03, 20232 min read

These Neurons Are the Reason You Yawn When You See Others Do It, And They Could Help Us Teach Children More Creatively Too

These Neurons Are the Reason You Yawn When You See Others Do It, And They Could Help Us Teach Children More Creatively Too

Mirror neurons are essential for the human species. Not only do they allow us to learn by observation and imitation, but they also are essential for the development of empathy and social behaviors. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Fight or Flight, Rest and Digest

April 03, 20234 min read

The Books You Read Really Make You Who You Are

The Books You Read Really Make You Who You Are

Stories can literally transport us into the mind and body of a character. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development

April 02, 20235 min read

How We Experience and Remember Our Daily Surroundings

How We Experience and Remember Our Daily Surroundings

A new study uncovered the neural mechanisms behind how we process and memorize everyday events. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Vision

April 01, 20233 min read

Harsh Discipline Increases Risk of Children Developing Lasting Mental Health Problems

Harsh Discipline Increases Risk of Children Developing Lasting Mental Health Problems

Children who experience harsh parenting are 1.5 times more likely to have mental health systems that are considered high-risk by age nine. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development

April 01, 20234 min read

How the brain rewards pleasurable physical touch

How the brain rewards pleasurable physical touch

Using optogenetics, neurobiologists traced a stimulating physical touch from the skin all the way to the reward center of the brain for the first time. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Fight or Flight, Rest and Digest

April 01, 20234 min read

Visual Stimulation Changes Fluid Flow in the Brain

Visual Stimulation Changes Fluid Flow in the Brain

Researchers at Boston University, USA report that the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain is linked to waking brain activity. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Vision

March 31, 20232 min read

Amino Acid-Starved Brains Stay Smaller Through Life

Amino Acid-Starved Brains Stay Smaller Through Life

Our developing brains demand the right nutrients at the right times. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development

March 30, 20234 min read

Vision Therapy for Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Vision Therapy for Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Vision problems are a CAUSE of, not a by-product of, many autism symptoms. ...more

Vision ,Autism &Natural Development

March 28, 20236 min read

World-First Study Identifies Brain Changes Caused by High Blood Pressure

World-First Study Identifies Brain Changes Caused by High Blood Pressure

A new study has, for the first time, identified specific brain areas damaged by high blood pressure. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Fight or Flight, Rest and Digest

March 28, 20233 min read

How Parents' Personalities Shape Their Kids' Lives

How Parents' Personalities Shape Their Kids' Lives

It’s a good lesson for everyone. Personalities are largely set, but behaviors can change. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development

March 28, 20235 min read

For the first time scientists observe the creation of matter from light

For the first time scientists observe the creation of matter from light

It should be possible to create matter from pure energy, such as light. ...more

Exploring the Mind

March 28, 20231 min read

A new take on psychoneuroimmunology

A new take on psychoneuroimmunology

Research pointing to a circuit linking the immune system and brain connects illness, stress, mood and thought in a whole new way. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development &Fight or Flight, Rest and Digest

March 28, 20236 min read

Understanding How the Brain's Internal Compass Works

Understanding How the Brain's Internal Compass Works

Scientists have gained new insights into the part of the brain that gives us a sense of direction. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Vision &Natural Development

March 26, 20232 min read

Oral Sensory: “Awakening” Oral Sensory Receptors for Chewers, Biters and Suckers

Oral Sensory: “Awakening” Oral Sensory Receptors for Chewers, Biters and Suckers

This article discusses oral sensory items and toys that can help children that are hyposensitive to food, textures and toys. ...more

Natural Development

March 21, 20235 min read

Too much pleasure causes pain

Too much pleasure causes pain

Happiness has been declining precipitously in the West for 30 years, despite better access to healthcare and education and decreases in poverty and violence. Groundbreaking Stanford psychiatrist and a... ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Fight or Flight, Rest and Digest

March 20, 20238 min read

Gastrointestinal issues and Autism Spectrum Disorder

Gastrointestinal issues and Autism Spectrum Disorder

Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders are amongst the most common medical conditions that are comorbid with Autism spectrum disorders (ASD). ...more

ADHD ,Autism &Natural Development

March 18, 202328 min read

The importance of keeping a beat: Researchers link ability to keep a beat to reading, language skills

The importance of keeping a beat: Researchers link ability to keep a beat to reading, language skills

An activity that requires coordination of hearing and movement is likely to rely on solid and accurate communication across brain regions. ...more

ADHD ,Natural Development

March 18, 20233 min read

5 Ways Kids Learn to Be Codependent

5 Ways Kids Learn to Be Codependent

How have you overcome codependency in your own life? ...more

Natural Development

March 15, 20234 min read

An updated review about perceptual learning as a treatment for amblyopia

An updated review about perceptual learning as a treatment for amblyopia

Amblyopia is the most prevalent cause of preventable childhood blindness, with a prevalence of 1-5 %. ...more


March 13, 20233 min read

Cross-training in hemispatial neglect: Auditory sustained attention training ameliorates visual attention deficits

Cross-training in hemispatial neglect: Auditory sustained attention training ameliorates visual attention deficits

A number of studies now show that deficits in non-spatial attention influence spatial attention. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Athletics

March 13, 202310 min read

The Contribution of Physical Exercise to Brain Resilience

The Contribution of Physical Exercise to Brain Resilience

A growing number of studies have demonstrated that exercise not only recovers or minimizes cognitive deficits by inducing better neuroplasticity and cognitive reserve but also counteracts brain pathol... ...more

Natural Development

March 12, 202396 min read

'All work, no independent play' cause of children's declining mental health

'All work, no independent play' cause of children's declining mental health

A new study suggests the rise in mental health disorders in children and teens is attributed to a decline over decades in opportunities for them to play, roam and engage in activities independent of d... ...more

ADHD ,Natural Development

March 09, 20234 min read

5 Tips To Help Students Arrive At Their Own Understandings

5 Tips To Help Students Arrive At Their Own Understandings

How To Help Students Arrive At Their Own Understandings ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development

March 06, 20236 min read

Are mental health disorders ever purely biological?

Are mental health disorders ever purely biological?

Two physical anthropologists argue that you cannot pin most mental health disorders on brain chemistry alone. As antidepressants will soon be a $16B industry, the chemical imbalance theory suits busin... ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development

March 05, 20235 min read

Scientists Shed More Light on Retina as ‘Window to Brain’

Scientists Shed More Light on Retina as ‘Window to Brain’

Studies Support Use of Brain Glasses to Bring Patients Relief ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Vision

March 04, 20234 min read

Neurons in Primate Area MSTd Signal Eye Movement Direction Inferred from Dynamic Perspective Cues in Optic Flow

Neurons in Primate Area MSTd Signal Eye Movement Direction Inferred from Dynamic Perspective Cues in Optic Flow

Neurons in Primate Area MSTd Signal Eye Movement Direction Inferred from Dynamic Perspective Cues in Optic Flow. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Vision

March 03, 20232 min read

Effects of vestibular stimulation on motor development and stereotyped behavior of developmentally delayed children

Effects of vestibular stimulation on motor development and stereotyped behavior of developmentally delayed children

Effects of vestibular stimulation on motor development and stereotyped behavior of developmentally delayed children. ...more

Natural Development

March 02, 20231 min read

The polyvagal theory: New insights into adaptive reactions of the autonomic nervous system

The polyvagal theory: New insights into adaptive reactions of the autonomic nervous system

The polyvagal theory: New insights into adaptive reactions of the autonomic nervous system ...more

Natural Development

March 02, 20230 min read

Does Holding an Idea in Your Mind Involve Storing It in Synapses?

Does Holding an Idea in Your Mind Involve Storing It in Synapses?

Comparing models of working memory with real-world data, MIT researchers found that information resides not in persistent neural activity, but in the pattern of their connections. ...more

Exploring the Mind

March 02, 20236 min read

Motor Skill Interventions in Children With Developmental Coordination Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Motor Skill Interventions in Children With Developmental Coordination Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Motor Skill Interventions in Children With Developmental Coordination Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis ...more

Natural Development

March 01, 20232 min read

According to Psychologists, there are four types of Intelligence

According to Psychologists, there are four types of Intelligence

People that have higher EQ and SQ tend to go further in life than those with a high IQ but low EQ and SQ. Most schools capitalize on improving IQ levels while EQ and SQ are played down. A man of high ... ...more

Exploring the Mind

March 01, 20232 min read

Spatial Biology: Location, Location, Location!

Spatial Biology: Location, Location, Location!

This article will review advances in multimodal IMS applications and a computational method to achieve higher resolution from spatial transcriptomics datasets. ...more

Exploring the Mind

February 28, 20239 min read

5 Theories About the Dreaming Brain

5 Theories About the Dreaming Brain

For World Sleep Day, NNR investigates what goes on in the brain during dreams. We uncover fascinating ideas about rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep, the dreams of people born blind, and ask why some drea... ...more

Exploring the Mind

February 26, 20234 min read

Gut Feeling: How the Gut–Brain Axis Affects Our Mood

Gut Feeling: How the Gut–Brain Axis Affects Our Mood

The extent of the gut–brain connection is particularly striking in the field of microbiome research. Studies have shown that the microenvironment of the gut can alter the course of neuropsychiatric di... ...more

Natural Development

February 24, 202313 min read

Deep Dive: Can Too Much Sweetener Affect Your Grandchildren’s Anxiety?

Deep Dive: Can Too Much Sweetener Affect Your Grandchildren’s Anxiety?

A new study suggests that aspartame, the common sweetener, produces anxiety-like behavior in mice, an effect that was passed on to multiple subsequent generations. ...more

Natural Development

February 23, 20237 min read

Musgutova Method of Reflex Integration for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Musgutova Method of Reflex Integration for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Conversion disorder is a condition in which the patient presents with neurological symptoms without an apparent neurological cause. It is thought that this disturbance arises in response to psychologi... ...more

Natural Development

February 22, 202335 min read

Rethinking hyperactivity in pediatric ADHD: Preliminary evidence for a re-conceptualization of hyperactivity/impulsivity from the perspective of informant perceptual processes

Rethinking hyperactivity in pediatric ADHD: Preliminary evidence for a re-conceptualization of hyperactivity/impulsivity from the perspective of informant perceptual processes

Rethinking hyperactivity in pediatric ADHD: Preliminary evidence for a re-conceptualization of hyperactivity/impulsivity from the perspective of informant perceptual processes ...more


February 21, 202345 min read

The human brain builds structures in 11 dimensions, discover scientists

The human brain builds structures in 11 dimensions, discover scientists

Groundbreaking research finds that the human brain creates multi-dimensional neural structures. ...more

Exploring the Mind

February 19, 20233 min read

Effects of Misalignments in the Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness Measurements with Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography

Effects of Misalignments in the Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness Measurements with Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography

Effects of Misalignments in the Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness Measurements with Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography ...more


February 17, 202320 min read

Auditory–Visual Misalignment: A Theoretical Perspective on Vocabulary Delays in Children With ASD

Auditory–Visual Misalignment: A Theoretical Perspective on Vocabulary Delays in Children With ASD

This article describes a new way of thinking about vocabulary delays in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We suggest that children with ASD may have difficulty learning words because their... ...more


February 16, 202329 min read

Sensory emotion regulation

Sensory emotion regulation

Sensation and emotion are inextricably linked. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,ADHD Natural Development &Fight or Flight, Rest and Digest

February 15, 20234 min read

Stanford Trial Shows Parents Can Learn Therapy to Help Their Children With Autism Learn to Speak

Stanford Trial Shows Parents Can Learn Therapy to Help Their Children With Autism Learn to Speak

Stanford Trial Shows Parents Can Learn Therapy to Help Their Children With Autism Learn to Speak ...more


February 15, 20232 min read

Subliminal messaging and nudge psychology lead us to believe that we can be influenced without us realizing, but just how powerful is our unconscious mind?

Subliminal messaging and nudge psychology lead us to believe that we can be influenced without us realizing, but just how powerful is our unconscious mind?

Subliminal messaging and nudge psychology lead us to believe that we can be influenced without us realizing, but just how powerful is our unconscious mind? ...more

Exploring the Mind

February 14, 20239 min read

Do some cognitive functions improve with age?

Do some cognitive functions improve with age?

Some brain functions may improve as we age. ...more

Exploring the Mind

February 12, 20234 min read

Just 10 Minutes Of Movement Can Increase Focus & Brain Functioning

Just 10 Minutes Of Movement Can Increase Focus & Brain Functioning

Just 10 Minutes Of Movement Can Increase Focus & Brain Functioning ...more

Exploring the Mind

February 10, 20233 min read

‘Cyclic sighing’ can help breathe away anxiety

‘Cyclic sighing’ can help breathe away anxiety

"There's a growing interest in nonpharmacological ways of helping people regulate their mood," Spiegel said. "We may be able to identify certain kinds of anxiety that respond substantially to this sim... ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Fight or Flight, Rest and Digest

February 09, 20236 min read

At-Home Therapy Reduces Symptoms of Binocular Vision Disorders

At-Home Therapy Reduces Symptoms of Binocular Vision Disorders

Increased screen time has focused the eye care industry’s attention on the impact of binocular vision disorders. Our eyes were never intended to spend long periods of time on close work – such as read... ...more


February 09, 20234 min read

Selective attention: How cognitive psychology can help reduce information overload

Selective attention: How cognitive psychology can help reduce information overload

Selective attention: How cognitive psychology can help reduce information overload ...more

Exploring the Mind

February 08, 20239 min read

Red Light Therapy Could Improve Age-Related Vision Decline

Red Light Therapy Could Improve Age-Related Vision Decline

Red Light Therapy Could Improve Age-Related Vision Decline ...more


February 06, 20232 min read

What is ADHD?

What is ADHD?

Some eye conditions are more common in people with ADHD, so the two may be connected in some way. At the moment, though, scientists are not sure where the link lies. Difficulty seeing can cause or wor... ...more


February 04, 20238 min read

Developmental Optometry For Children & Youth

Developmental Optometry For Children & Youth

The main goals of developmental optometry are to achieve a single, clear, comfortable binocular (two-eyed) vision and to develop visual-spatial, visual analysis, and visual-integration skills. ...more

Exploring the Mind

February 04, 20238 min read

Women have more Active Brains than Men

Women have more Active Brains than Men

Largest functional brain imaging study to date identifies specific brain differences between women and men. ...more

Exploring the Mind

February 02, 20232 min read

A Role for Vision in the Development of Inhibitory Networks

A Role for Vision in the Development of Inhibitory Networks

Inhibitory and excitatory networks in the brain’s visual system develop through different processes, even if the organization of the networks is similar. ...more

Exploring the Mind

February 01, 20234 min read

Green eyeglasses reduce pain-related anxiety in fibromyalgia patients, study shows

Green eyeglasses reduce pain-related anxiety in fibromyalgia patients, study shows

May reduce need for opioids in those with chronic pain. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Vision &Fight or Flight, Rest and Digest

October 23, 20222 min read

Vision Therapy – Help for the Brain-Eye Connection

Vision Therapy – Help for the Brain-Eye Connection

Vision, the brain-eye connection, can be improved with practice with vision therapy. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Vision

April 11, 20224 min read

Cup Stacking: Studies Show Cup Stacking Activities Improve Reading Test Scores and Cross-Patterning Brain Development

Cup Stacking: Studies Show Cup Stacking Activities Improve Reading Test Scores and Cross-Patterning Brain Development

This article provides information on the benefits of cup stacking activities and the impact it can have on brain building for higher learning. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development

March 12, 20226 min read

Alertness Training Improves Spatial Bias and Functional Ability in Spatial Neglect

Alertness Training Improves Spatial Bias and Functional Ability in Spatial Neglect

A multisite, randomized, double-blinded, controlled trial to examine the effectiveness of a digital health intervention targeting the intrinsic regulation of goal-directed alertness in patients with c... ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Vision

August 02, 20201 min read

An Investigation of Computer-based Brain Training on the Cognitive and EEG Performance of Employees

An Investigation of Computer-based Brain Training on the Cognitive and EEG Performance of Employees

Neurocognitive skills (e.g., processing speed, attention and memory) were hypothesized to be critical for workplace performance and by extension for the work-life balance of employees. ...more

Exploring the Mind

July 23, 20191 min read

Can Cognitive Training Improve Shoot/Don't-Shoot Performance? Evidence from Live Fire Exercises

Can Cognitive Training Improve Shoot/Don't-Shoot Performance? Evidence from Live Fire Exercises

Recent research suggests that shoot/don't-shoot errors (e.g., commission errors of shooting at nonhostile or unarmed civilians) can be linked to specific cognitive abilities, and these errors could be... ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Fight or Flight, Rest and Digest

June 03, 20191 min read

Improving Attentiveness: Effect of Cognitive Training on Sustained Attention Measures

Improving Attentiveness: Effect of Cognitive Training on Sustained Attention Measures

The study presented in this article investigates the role of sustained attention as a primary contributor to electric line worker incidents. ...more

Exploring the Mind

April 01, 20192 min read

Training sensory signal-to-noise resolution in children with ADHD in a global mental health setting

Training sensory signal-to-noise resolution in children with ADHD in a global mental health setting

Children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have impaired focus on goal-relevant signals and fail to suppress goal-irrelevant distractions. ...more


April 13, 201639 min read

Researchers Find Missing Link Between the Brain and Immune System

Researchers Find Missing Link Between the Brain and Immune System

Implications profound for neurological diseases from autism to Alzheimer’s to multiple sclerosis. ...more

Exploring the Mind ,Natural Development &Fight or Flight, Rest and Digest

June 02, 20156 min read

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